Thursday, May 24, 2012

Boyscout service!

What an opportunity!!!  The Boyscouts gathered for a weekend campout jamboree at Camp Oakdale, next to our church.  A scout leader called us and asked if we would provide a "Protestant" service on Saturday night, AT OUR CHURCH!  Pastor Jake and a group of guys put together a service with singing, special music and a Gospel message.  About 20 Boyscouts and leaders came to the service and were given a bag with tracts, the Gospel of John, and a pen.  We also gave away many of our left-over "Teen-Challenge"  T-shirts from the past few years.  The scouts were very attentive and appreciated that we opened our church to them.  What an opportunity!

Church Workday!

We recently had a very productive workday at the church.  Many folks came out and put a lot of effort into cleaning and fixing up the property.  Thank you Dale for organizing the day and to everyone who came out with a mind to work!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


We played our first softball game and had a great time of fun and fellowship.  We played Groton Bible Chapel which has a very powefully-hitting team.  We lost the game, but we had a nice time.  We still have the best cheering section in the league.

May Teen Fellowship

Our teen Fellowship this month was hosted by the E.
family.  The teens were treated to a delicious lunch
followed by a mind-boggling game administered by
Mr. Sousa.  After a time a testimonies and singing,
the group went to Orchard Grove retirement home
to minister to the residents there.  A great time of
fellowship and ministry.