Monday, June 25, 2012

Teen Canoing trip

Our Teens went on a ten-mile canoe trip down the Pawcatuck river for their June activity.  Pastor Jake along with chaperones Bob, Sarah H, Luke and Sarah C took the teens on a very relaxing river trip.  Part-way down the river, they stopped at a sand-bar, had lunch and Pastor Jake gave a devotion from God's Word.  The teens were pretty tired at the end of the trip, but they had a great time!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Church Picnic

We had our church picnic on June 10th at the Colonel Ledyard park.  What a wonderful time of fun, food and fellowship.  The main dish was fried chicken (it was finger-lickin' good), the ladies made all varieties of salad and the men made the desserts.  Luke's dessert won first place, followed second by Bob and third went to Vin.  The activities included basketball, softball, horse-shoes and... quilting?  Of couse, we had a time of preaching to focus our hearts on the Lord.  Thanks to all who came!

Graduation Service!

On June 3rd, we had a graduation service for our four high school seniors: Abby, Nathalie, Diana and Josiah.  We had a wonderful service that included the graduates' testimonies, parent's testimonies, special music and a skit.  The service was followed by a full-blown barbeque; southern-style!  It was a blessed day for all as friends and family gathered to celebrate this accomplishment in the lives of those four young people.