Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bible-Quiz saga!

 Well, armed with an abundance of snacks and a greater amount of excitement, our teens headed out to the Fall Bible-quizzing only to fall short of their destination because of an uncooperative brake caliper that got a little overheated.  Mr. Hauta pulled the bus off the highway after smelling that peculiar "brake" smell to determine the problem.  Lo and behold!  They pulled right up in front of an auto repair shop that took the bus right in.  Fortunately (I think!), there was a McDonalds right next to the garage, so the teens were quite happy.  Once the garage determined they couldn't get the needed part, the teens came back home  with no further  problems.  Although our young people were a bit disappointed, they had great attitudes.  And they still got their Dunkin Donut hot chocolate the next day.

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