Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mission's Trip-Day 2

We had a great Lord's day at Faith Baptist Church in Harvard, Illinois.  Sunday school began at 9:30. We sang "Bow the Knee" and then Pastor Jones taught on how the Old Testament tabernacle was a shadow of Christ. The worship service began at 10:30. The choir sang "Holy, Mighty, Worthy" and "His Robes for Mine."  Pastor preached from Proverbs 3:5+6 and encouraged us with the promises that the Lord will make our ways straight when we put our trust in Him. After the service, we had lunch at the Neals. At the evening service, the choir sang "Alone" and "Taste and See." Pastor Jake preached from John 3:22-30, encouraging us to let the Lord increase in our lives and let our own desires decrease. After the evening service, we had pizza and began setting up for the Teen Challenge.

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