Thursday, November 1, 2012

Missions Conference

Praise the Lord for a wonderful Missions Conference. We had the privilege to get to know our missionaries better and to hear God-centered, missions focused preaching. Dr. Alan Patterson preached Friday night and then we had a cookie and hot chocolate fellowship. Saturday, we heard from Dan Hassman and John Moore. They both showed us a video of where they are ministering and then preached to us from God's Word. Saturday evening, we had our Missions Banquet. Thank you "Social Committee" for all your hard work. After the banquet, Dr. Bruce McAllister preached to us on how "Missions is closer then we think."  On Sunday, we had a wonderful Lord's day.  Dr. M. preached for Sunday School and the Am Service. For lunch we had dinner together as a church. To close out our conference, Dr P. preached the last service. For those who might have missed some of the preaching, you can listen to all the messages at the following link:

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